Discord Bot

Add the MapleRanks bot to your server to lookup characters and rankings directly from Discord!

Bot Commands

Character Profile
/mr [names] /mrp [names]

Look up character level, exp, rank, and other information

  • Includes legion and achievement stats where available
  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr character1 character2 character3)
ETA to Level Estimates
/mreta [names] /mreta [names] [level]

Looks up character's ETA to various levels

  • Provide a single level at the end of the command to look up ETAs to that specific level
  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr eta character1 character2 character3)
Job Rankings
/mrr [names]

Look up world job rank for a character

  • Shows other characters ranked closely (above and below)
  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr rank character1 character2 character3)
Daily EXP Chart
/mrx [names]

Look up daily EXP chart (past 7 days) for a character

  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr xp character1 character2 character3)
Legion Level Over Time Chart
/mrlp [names]

Look up legion level over time (past 14 days) for a character

  • Legion level chart is only available for an account's highest level character per world.
  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr ll character1 character2 character3)
Legion Power Over Time Chart
/mrlp [names]

Look up legion power over time (past 14 days) for a character

  • Legion power chart is only available for an account's highest level character per world.
  • Search up to 6 characters at a time - separate names using a space (/mr lp character1 character2 character3)
Bot Invite
/mr invite

Link to invite MapleRanks Bot to your other Discord servers

Bot Help
/mr help

Opens help menu with all available commands

  • We will add more features and commands to this list over time!

Debugging Issues

Why is MapleRanks bot not responding to messages in my server?

Make sure the MapleRanks bot has application command (i.e. Slash Command) permissions in the server in which you are trying to invoke MapleRanks commands.